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With 30 years of experience, Girones Law handles complex personal injury cases, so you can focus on recovery.

Skilled Personal Injury Lawyers

Having suffered a serious personal injury, you are going through a difficult time. Dealing with insurance companies and the legal system should be the last things on your mind. At Girones Law, we understand that you need someone to take these tasks off your plate so that you can focus on your recovery.

We have experience obtaining fair compensation for victims of, car accidents, ATV accidents, slip-and-fall accidents, accidents caused by faulty products, or negligent professionals, dog bites or dog attacks, No matter how severe or how minor your injury, we are available to provide you with whatever guidance and assistance that you need.

The law dealing with personal injuries can be quite complex, particularly as lawyers, judges, and juries are not always familiar with medical terminology and practices. Personal injury lawyers have to develop a certain level of medical understanding in order to properly represent individuals with serious injuries. At Girones Law, we have the expertise necessary to represent accident victims who have suffered serious brain injuries, spinal cord injuries, fractures, paraplegia or quadriplegia, and birth injuries.

At Girones Law, we strive to develop a personal relationship with our clients. We hope that this will help you to put your trust in us. Our goal is to ensure that your accident is not financially devastating in addition to being physically devastating.

Types of Personal Injuries

Many people think of a concussion as a minor injury to the head and something that heals itself with a little bit of time and rest. In many cases this is true. However, concussions can be quite severe and, left untreated, can have lasting effects on the injured person and their family members. A concussion occurs when a force impacts the brain, essentially bruising it. Typically, this is caused by either a direct blow to the head or by the brain colliding with the inside of the skull, such as might occur when the body comes to a sudden stop.

Concussions can be difficult to diagnose because the symptoms often vary from person to person. Symptoms may not be obvious for several hours or even days after the accident, and initial symptoms may be mild and easy for the injured person to brush off. Common symptoms include headache and nausea, impaired memory, fuzzy vision, problems with balance and coordination, confusion, difficulty sleeping, trouble with comprehension, trouble concentrating, and mood and personality changes, including depression.

While the symptoms of concussion are usually temporary, concussion can cause permanent brain injuries, especially when a person suffers more than one concussion within a relatively short period of time. If you have ever suffered from a concussion before, you may be more susceptible to them in future. In these situations concussions may occur after very minor accidents. For this reason, it is important to seek medical treatment for any head injury, no matter how minor. You should also consult the expert concussion lawyers at Girones to ensure that your legal rights are preserved. The long-term effects of a concussion can be difficult to predict. Girones Lawyers will make sure that you and your family are taken care of financially in the event that the consequences of your concussion are more severe than you initially suspect.

Fractured bones are a common result of motor vehicle accidents, slip or trip-and-fall accidents, and accidents caused by defective products. While broken bones generally heal, they can have a significant detrimental impact on your life. Depending on the bone that was fractured and the severity of the break, you may have to spend time in hospital, be unable to return to work or to carry out your normal duties at work, be unable to care for your children, or require assistance around the house. Certain fractures, such as a broken hip or pelvis, may severely hamper your mobility for several months.

Even the simplest fracture takes time to heal. A more severe fracture may require one or more surgeries, physiotherapy or other forms of rehabilitation. Even after a fracture has fully healed, people often find that the area remains painful or that they never gain back the full range of motion that they had before the accident. You may find yourself permanently unable to participate in activities that you used to enjoy. It can be difficult to determine immediately after an accident whether or not your bone fracture will lead to any long-term complications. Some fractures may eventually lead to arthritis or to the need for hip or knee replacement surgery later in life.

Having dealt with numerous cases involving broken bones, the knowledgeable fracture lawyers at Girones understand what you are going through. They will preserve your legal rights based on the premise that the full extent of your injuries and suffering may not yet be known. At Girones Lawyers, we will obtain the financial compensation that you need to maintain yourself and your family throughout your rehabilitation as well as compensation for any permanent pain or disability that you suffer. Let us help you deal with the financial consequences of your injury so that you can concentrate on your recovery.

If you have been seriously injured in a motor vehicle accident, you may be entitled to a higher level of statutory accident benefits if your injury is classified as “catastrophic.” An individual with a catastrophic injury may qualify for up to $1,000,000 of accident benefits for medical and rehabilitation costs and another $1,000,000 for attendant care.

Your insurance company will determine whether or not your injury falls within the definition of catastrophic. Common injuries that are classified as catastrophic include:

  • Paraplegia or quadriplegia (paralysis of the limbs)
  • Amputation of an arm or a leg, or another condition that results in total loss of use of an arm or a leg
  • Total blindness in both eyes
  • Brain injury that results in severe coma, vegetative state or severe disability, and
  • Injury that results in severe mental impairment or behavioural disorder.

In addition to the increased amount of accident benefits to which you may be entitled, you may have the right to sue another person who was responsible for the accident.

A defective product can be more than a mere annoyance; it can lead to property damage, personal injury and even death. At Girones Lawyers, we understand that accidents caused by defective products can have a devastating effect on the victims and their families.

A product liability case may arise when a person purchases a product believing it to be safe and is then injured by the product. The product may be inherently dangerous due to a problem with the design or the danger may arise due to a defect in the manufacturing process. If you have been injured in an accident caused by the use or malfunction of a product, then you may be able to sue the manufacturer or the distributor of that product for your damages.

The product in question may be:

  • An automobile or a part of an automobile, such as the breaks or the tires
  • Children and baby gear, such as strollers or car seats
  • Helmets and other recreational gear
  • Household products and appliances, or
    food and beverages.

Proving a product liability case can be quite complex. It may require a detailed analysis of the accident by an expert witness in order to prove that the defective product caused the accident. At Girones, our expert product liability lawyers have extensive experience dealing with these types of accidents as well as with product liability law. We are familiar with the possible repercussions of this type of accident on you and your family and we want to ensure that you receive the compensation that you need to carry on with your life. An accident caused by a defective product could render you permanently disabled and unable to work.

A spinal cord injury can include any type of damage or trauma to the spinal cord, which is the bundle of nerves protected by the spine. An accident may result in a partially or completely severed spinal cord, or less severe trauma that results in inflammation around the spinal cord. It is possible for a person to break his back or neck without permanently damaging the spinal cord, just as it is possible to damage the spinal cord without fracturing the back or neck.
The effects of a spinal cord injury will vary greatly depending on the severity and location of the damage. Severe damage may result in total paralysis, while more mild damage may cause only a reduced ability to control a certain part of the body. An injury higher up on the spinal cord will affect a greater percentage of the body than an injury lower down along the spinal cord. Some common effects of spinal cord injury include:

  • Paralysis (paraplegia and quadriplegia)
  • Seizures or muscle spasms
  • Loss of sensation
  • Loss of control over muscles
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Loss bladder and bowel control.

There may also be severe long-term consequences of spinal cord injuries such as an increased risk of infection and heart disease.

A brain injury can have a destructive impact on all aspects of your life. At Girones, our experienced brain injury lawyers are here to help you and your family navigate the complexities of dealing with insurance companies and the legal system following a serious accident.
The most common type of brain injury that we see at Girones Lawyers is a traumatic brain injury. These injuries can be caused by a direct blow to the head during a motor vehicle accident, or as the result of a fall. They can also be caused by the sudden movement of the brain within the skull, which might occur if your head is whipped back and forth during a car accident. Brain injuries can also be caused if the brain is starved of oxygen or if a person takes particular medications or the wrong dosage of a particular medication.
The results of a brain injury will vary depending on the severity of the injury and the location of the brain that was injured. Symptoms of a brain injury may include memory loss, problems concentrating, problems with vision, hearing and speech, seizures, difficulty moving or controlling a particular part of the body or difficulty walking.
While brain injuries are considered irreversible, it is difficult to predict the level of impairment that will result from any particular brain injury. Even experts in the field of neuroscience will admit that the brain remains very much a mystery and it can behave in unpredictable ways. Because of this uncertainty, our brain injury lawyers work hard to obtain the most compensation for your injuries within the shortest amount of time possible so that you can proceed with your rehabilitation. A brain injury may have many unfortunate effects on your life, but with help from Girones Lawyers, it doesn’t have to have a devastating effect on your financial situation.

Losing a family member at any time can be devastating. Losing a family member in a fatal accident can be particularly traumatizing due to the unexpected nature of their death. Not only have you lost a loved one, but you may also have to deal with increased responsibilities for your remaining family members. If you have lost a family member due to someone else’s negligence, we can provide you with the advice and representation you need to obtain compensation for your loss, leaving you free to grieve and take care of your family.
A wrongful death claim can be filed by a spouse, child, parent, grandparent, grandchild or sibling of the deceased. In order to make a legal claim for wrongful death, the fatal accident must have been caused by the negligence or recklessness of another person, not the deceased. In addition, the death must have resulted in damages for the surviving family members. The financial damages resulting from a wrongful death claim usually occur when the deceased provided either financial support or care for other members of the family. You may also be able to claim compensation for medical expenses, funeral expenses and lost wages that were caused when you and other family members were unable to work due to the death.
Any type of accident may result in a wrongful death claim, including motor vehicle accidents, bicycle and pedestrian accidents, medical malpractice, workplace accidents and accidents caused by faulty products.
Obviously you can never be financially compensated for the loss of a loved one. However, our skilled wrongful death lawyers can ensure that you are compensated for the financial damages associated with your loss so that you can continue to care for your family. Contact Girones Lawyers as soon as possible after a fatal accident to preserve your legal rights.


Tom Lam

My wife and I were involved in an automobile accident with a tractor trailer. Andrea Girones took every step to move my file forward as efficiently as possible from the first moment we met with her. She was able to address every one of our concerns during the litigation process. We always felt prepared to face the next challenges related to our case. I have no doubt that we would not have resolved our action as successfully without her experience and advice on how to navigate the entire legal process. More importantly, Andrea helped our family get the help we needed to get back to where we were before our accident


I have been completely satisfied with the legal services provided to me by Andrea Girones and her staff.

I would highly recommend her services to anyone needing legal representation. She and her staff promptly answered any questions that I had and kept me well informed regarding the status of my case.

I would without reservation use her services again should I ever need them.

Marilyn Thompson

When I first consulted you about my case, you took it on and also advised me that I had two other claims that I did not even know existed! As a result of you pursuing these two new matters that I was not even aware of, I received approximately seven times more than my original matter is worth. I want to thank you for getting me money that I did not know I was entitled to.

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