This month Andrea Girones is presenting at the Ontario Trial Lawyers Association Legal Conference on “Medical Malpractice Trials, Tips and Tricks” for winning these difficult case. In particular she will discuss some of the challenges faced in her successful...

News & Updates
Keep up with the latest news and updates in the world of personal injury law. Our blog offers timely information on new laws, landmark cases, and important legal changes that could affect your rights and interests.
News & Articles

Legal Update: Surveillance Videos in Personal Injury Cases
April 16, 2015 Recently in Iannarella v. Corbett 2015 ONCA 110, the Ontario Court of Appeal released an important decision regarding the disclosure of surveillance evidence in a personal injury trial. Defence lawyers love to use surveillance videos at trial to show...
Personal Injury Update: Lack of Objective Causes for Pain Does Not Mean You Don’t Have a Case & Defendants Cannot ‘Cherry-Pick’ Surveillance have been some very interesting decisions from the Ontario Superior Court dealing with motor vehicle accident cases in the past few months. They deal with issues we frequently help our clients solve: chronic pain and surveillance. The December 2014 case of...
Girones Lawyers Holds Free Legal Clinic in Pembroke April 27th, 2015
Girones Lawyers once again will be holding a free legal clinic in Pembroke on April 27th, 2015. Andrea Girones will be meeting with clients and answering questions on a wide variety of personal injury and medical malpractice topics. Andrea has a particular expertise...
Brain Damage at Birth Caused by Lack of Oxygen, Not a Clotting Factor.
March 24th 2015. Recently our firm represented a young man injured at birth. The child sustained a severe brain injury leaving him with the mind of a toddler, inside the body of a 14 year old. CT and MRI images revealed that there was atrophy of the brain cells in...
Has the Court of Appeal eliminated the impact of Rule 49 offers?
February 24, 2015 As a general rule in Ontario personal injury lawsuits, the loser pays the legal costs of the winning side. Rule 49 of the Rules of Civil Procedure deals with offers to settle which can reverse the standard “winner takes all” approach to costs....
Summary Judgment Motions – Will They Replace Trials?
Although much has been made of the new summary judgment rules, the Courts appear to be struggling to sort out how best to apply these rules to the area of personal injury. Injury and accident lawsuits tend to turn on the credibility of the victims as well as the so...
Case Summary – Property Was Not Utility Right-of-way Corridor
Plaintiff male was seriously injured while tobogganing on reservoir property owned by defendant city. Plaintiff female was former spouse of male and made claim under Family Law Act (Ont.) (“FLA”). Male was injured when toboggan hit edge of snow covered ditch. Parties...
Girones Lawyers obtains multimillion dollar settlement for motorcycle accident victim injured on her own property
Client lost a leg after an accident on her motorcycle in her own backyard. No other vehicles were involved in the incident. Client consulted us and was surprised that she could get a new home built to accommodate her injury, paid by her own insurance company on the...
Ontario’s Bill15: How Will It Reduce Automobile Insurance Rates?
In July, the Ontario Liberal government introduced Bill 15 entitled the Fighting Fraud and Reducing Automobile Insurance Rates Act, 2014. The aim of the bill is to reduce automobile insurance rates by reducing the overall costs for insurance companies with the...
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