Andrea Girones is pleased to announce a new tool available on the website to quickly see if you potentially have a case against your long term disability insurance company. Visit this page to try it yourself and send it to a friend in need.

Disability Insurance Denials
Keep up with the latest news and updates in the world of personal injury law. Our blog offers timely information on new laws, landmark cases, and important legal changes that could affect your rights and interests.
News & Articles

Getting your Disability Claim in the Covid Era
September 28, 2020 -As the economy re-opens after the COVID lockdown many people are experiencing severe mental health conditions. For some the condition is new, for others, their existing condition is aggravated by situations such as a return to a dangerous...
Travel insurance : What you don’t know will come back to haunt you.
Recent cuts to the out of province payment plan in Ontario have prompted may people to purchase private medical coverage for out of province trips. A recent purchase I made for my daughter’s school trip made me realize how complex this issue is. Here are my tips....
Free Legal Clinic In Pembroke November 1, 2019
Girones Lawyers is having a free legal clinic November 1, 2019 in Pembroke. We will be available to meet with you (by appointment only) for a free consultation. We can provide legal help with; Long/short term disability insurance denials Car accidents Wrongful...
Free Legal Clinic in Pembroke May 23rd 2019
Girones Lawyers are travelling to Pembroke on Thursday May 23rd, 2019 to offer a free legal clinic to local residents. Remember in most cases there are no fees until and unless we settle your case. If you or a loved one have suffered damage recently from: A...
Are Long Term Disability Settlements Deductible From Other Awards?
In my experience working here in Ottawa many of my clients have extensive medical benefits including long term disability benefit coverege. They may also have benefits from their accident benefits car insurance company (SABS) and they may also have a claim for lost...
3 Myths About Post-Concussion Syndrome, and How a Lawyer Can Help
May 5th, 2016 Some of my most disabled clients are those that have suffered from a severe concussion in an accident. They are also the ones that are most in need of a lawyer. There remains, both in the insurance and medical world, several myths about concussions....
Free Legal Consultations in Pembroke April 19th, 2016
Girones Lawyers once again will be holding a free legal clinic in Pembroke on April 19th 2016. Andrea Girones will be meeting with clients and answering questions on a wide variety of personal injury, disability insurance and medical malpractice topics. Andrea Girones...
Why Is My Long Term Disability Insurance Company Giving Me the Run-Around?
We get this question all the time in our office in Ottawa. When you are on long term disability or need to be, you don’t have the energy to keep running around gathering information for the insurance company. Insurance companies know this and will exhaust you until...
Do I have a case?

We are here to help you navigate your legal challenges with empathy and expertise. Contact us today for a FREE consultation and let Girones Law be your trusted advocate in your time of need.