July 13, 2015
This case proceeded to trial before a Judge and Jury. After two weeks of trial the case was resolved shortly before the Judge was to charge the jury.
Below are the kind words from our client’s father. Names have been changed to protect the privacy of the injured child.
Alex and I cannot even begin to express our overwhelming sense of gratitude and thankfulness for the way in which you brought our case to a successful conclusion.
Lorenzo – you are one awesome man! Your kindness, compassion, understanding and willingness to advocate and give a voice for Alex was outstanding! You have changed and touched the lives of two people; we are forever thankful!
Andrea – your ability to bring a sense of calm to our hearts and minds during times of uncertainty was amazing! You advocated for Alex and I in such a way that it restored our hope. You are such a wonderful lady.
Bernice – what can I say about you! You are amazing. You answered my questions. You were encouraging. You were a voice of reassurance. You rock!
I will leave you with one final thought that sums up all that Alex and I are feeling:
Many beautiful things cannot be seen or touched, they are felt within the heart.
What you have done for me and my family is one of them.
And we thank you from the bottom of our hearts!
Wishing you all the best, both in life and in your practice!
Yours most sincerely,
Frank and Alex